Setup is Tuesday 26th November with the Party on Wednesday 27th November in Exhibition Hall

The aim of the Children's Christmas Party is to provide in excess of 2,000 children from all over the region with a day they will never forget. 

The children invited, are children who may have one or more of the following: serious illnesses, a physical and/or intellectual disability and complex needs. The Party is not open to the public and children are invited personally through schools, mainstream and private, charities and care providers. 

We put on a free day including lunch, drinks, fruit, lollies, ice creams and chips and a three hour live stage show. Other entertainment for the children includes face painting, rides, interactive displays and much more. Of course no Christmas party is complete without Santa Claus! Each child will receive at least three high quality presents. 

This is the 28th anniversary of the Party and we want to make it one of the best day's ever for the children. 

This year's Party will be held in the Exhibition Hall of Melbourne Showgrounds on Wednesday 27th November.

About Volunteering for the Party: 

  • Your role for the day will be assigned prior to arrival. 
  • We encourage you to be flexible and exercise initiative during the busy 4 hours of this event. 
  • We appreciate, value and depend heavily on all volunteers turning up on the day. 

Your responsibilities as a volunteer 

  • You must wear your Christmas Party T-shirt, name badge at all times. 
  • All volunteers must report to the Volunteer Registration point to sign in from 9am. 
  • All volunteers use the check in app provided or sign in that morning. 
  • We welcome your feedback, suggestions and recommendations as a result of your volunteer experience. Please provide comments to [email protected] 
  • Please assist us to provide a safe, welcome and happy environment for all of our guests. 
  • Please wear sensible, closed in shoes (no thongs or sandals). 
  • Keep yourself hydrated. 
  • Please do not use your mobile phone while on duty unless in an emergency. 
  • Smokers/Vapers, for the parents there will be a designated area however we ask that you have your cigarette break out of view of the public. Please keep the area clean and tidy and use the ashtrays provided. 
  • It is advisable not to bring valuables to the event as we don’t provide lockers. 
  • Please do not ask for any left over toys, these are distributed to other organisations and hospitals. 
  • The Party finishes at 2:30pm, it will only take 30 - 40 minutes to clean up if everyone stays! 
  • A high vis shirt must be worn when loading dock doors are open. No exceptions. These are available upon entry.
  • If you are under the age of 15 or a member of your team is under 15, they can help during the party, however they must wait in the foyer until the back loading dock doors are closed. All children (under 15) must be offsite before we re-open the dock doors. Anyone under 15 will be asked to vacate when the children leave at 2:30pm. The venue will not allow the dock doors to open unless all children are offsite. 
  • No volunteers under 15 are allowed during the Setup.

All Christmas Party volunteers must read the Children’s Christmas Party Health and Safety Handbook located at the link below.

Children’s Christmas Party Health and Safety Handbook

By completing this Registration Form you have indicated that you have read and understand the Children’s Christmas Party Health and Safety Handbook and agree to adhere to the guidelines set out in this document while you are engaged in your volunteer duties.

Please contact the Christmas Party Office, on 1300 88 77 36 if you are unsure of any of the information presented in the Handbook.

I acknowledge that I received a copy of this Children’s Christmas Party Health and Safety Handbook and that I have read and understood it.

I agree to comply with the policies and procedures applicable to me contained within the Children’s Christmas Party Health and Safety Handbook to the best of my ability and to comply with all policies and procedures when attending other workplaces.


Because of the recent pandemic, we are governed by restrictions to maintain the health and safety of our guests. Participants are reminded to stay home if unwell.

Working With Children Check

We are committed to providing a safe environment for our invited guests and highly recommend, that as a volunteer, you apply for a Working with Children Check.

It is free to apply for a Working with Children Check as a volunteer, more information and application can be found here: Application Form.

It is not mandatory, but it is preferred.

In Case of Emergency (ICE)

VOLUNTEERING AT THE SETUP - Now full, we are no longer accepting volunteers
Tuesday, 26th November

Exhibition Hall
Melbourne Showgrounds

Wednesday, 27th November
Exhibition Hall
Melbourne Showgrounds 

Registration is open anytime from: 8:30am 9:30am            
Safety Induction: 9:45 -10am
Event duration for public: 10:30am 2:30pm
Volunteers please remain until approximately 3:30pm to help pack up

PARKING is $20 per vehicle via Gate 2 

All volunteers for the SETUP must be over 15 years and older

If you have any volunteers in your team under the age of 15, they can help during the party, however they must wait in the foyer until the loading dock doors are closed. All children must be offsite before we re-open the dock doors. They will be asked to vacate when the children leave at 2:30pm.

RegFox Event Registration Software